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Scratch Paper

It’s not going through it that I tend to get caught up in; it’s what I might see at the end that can have me in a chokehold at times….

Walking away was my resolve. I surprisingly do not feel much guilt anymore (bad habit of mine). It’s just that the steps that have followed years later can at times sting a little….

I am aware that honey can run across these lips just as quickly as venom. Thankfully, the roots of my self control have matured and interestingly, my lips have never tasted sweeter until after being in this desert….

The words “Wife” and “Mommy” still feel so new. But then again, is it ever something you truly get used to? One thing is for sure, I work so hard because deep down I get scared of disappointing either of you….

This chronic daydreamer is just looking to ground her ambitious ideas anywhere that will allow them to flourish….

Writing has become more frequent  yet less structured and complete. One minute the feeling comes to me and the next I care not to finish the thought….

However, even with these incomplete reflections, I can still find peace….

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