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Rambling Introvert…

When we keep saying yes to others we in turn keep saying no to ourselves. No to our time, our desires, our growth, our self-care and our peace. Unfortunately, society has a funny way of making those who do not constantly say yes to their wants an enemy. You must give and give without question, but of course the reciprocal should not be expected. It has become okay to punish those who say no because it doesn’t fit one’s narrative or expectation of you. It has become okay to punish those who uphold their integrity.

The fact that many have come to this state of mind that either we agree with them or we are by default against them shows the true selfishness and entitlement that guides the hearts of those who lack awareness, accountability and authenticity. Understanding does not equate agreement. Disagreement does not equate anti-____. One should not sacrifice their dignity to protect someone else’s credibility, views or image. One can still love others and correct them. Catering to others expectations of you is not okay. Saying no; however, is okay. Setting boundaries is good and necessary. And if others cannot respect those boundaries then it is okay to let them go. Because whether they admit it or not, they are definitely setting boundaries with you.

And the sad part is that those who are quick to close the door on someone else immediately due to conflicting beliefs has actually just destroyed an opportunity to bridge a gap in understanding and tear down a wall that continues to divide us. This just exacerbates the issue and prolongs positive change. But hey, who am I but just one voice in this very big and chaotic world.